2nd team v Northamptonshire

2nd Team v Northamptonshire Monday 25th July 2022

Sunshine, showers, a couple of geese and lots of biting bugs – that is how I shall remember Brampton Heath Golf Centre.

After a scorching week of 40 degrees we were back to good old English weather, umbrellas up and down, coats on and off! Northants County President Sandie and Captain Lizzie were studiously writing the cards when we arrived at 10.00 a.m. so Vice-Captain Jan, Angela and myself had plenty of time to enjoy a bacon buttie before venturing onto a very scorched fairway and may I say, unusually large and bare greens (well some were green). I had the pleasure of playing with Marie Shelton from Luffenham Heath, it was her first match with the L&RVLGA, and we both agreed that it really wasn’t easy to stop the golf balls running under the thorn bushes and we both had plenty of “being pulled through a hedge backwards” moments! I was just a bit too late with the photo on this one!

The 2nd Team Northants Ladies were lovely, but not as friendly as the 3rd Team when we had a very amicable draw at Charnwood. Unfortunately our loss was substantial, 7 - 1 but at least one S Roberts won her match, but it wasn’t me! Well done Sue and Christine.

Thanks to all the ladies who played and supported us in this match – oh, if you hadn’t guessed – supper was: Lasagne, garlic bread and salad followed by fresh fruit salad and cream! I am becoming an expert Lasagne taster.

Only two games left for us this year. Thursday 4th August is an AM/AM with the Senior Men at Whetstone and then the Challenge of the year, 1st Team v 2nd Team at Longcliffe on the 22nd September!

Pleasant holidays!

Sandra Roberts 2nd/3rd Team Captain 26/7/2022