Market Harborough Senior Men

The annual fixture between our 2nd team with Market Harborough Senior Men was played at Market Harborough on Thursday 5th June.

Despite heavy rain on previous days and threat of course closure, the day turned out to be lovely with periods of warm sunshine. Due to the wet underfoot conditions winter rules were adopted.

We played an am-am with one lady and one gent to score plus nearest the pins. The senior men, as usual, were magnificent hosts and very friendly. Everyone enjoyed their games and the ladies were each given a gift of a pitch repairer and ball marker.

The winning team with a score of 78 points was our Lady President Anne Kilby, Sheila Chamberlain, Richard Ingram and John Halden.

Nearest the pin for the ladies was Lady President Anne and for the men – Mike O’Malley.

Winners were each presented with a bottle of wine.